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Choice credits
Di Fabrizia (del 20/04/2006 @ 13:39:04, in Choice credits & liner notes, linkato 1306 volte)
Fabrizia Barresi would like to thank:

Mark, Rusty, Keith, Ira and Carlos, for their great artistry, fantastic skills, and warm friendship; Patty and Jerry Coker, for their precious teachings, support, love and trust; Allen Smith for his complete dedication to this project, his perfect engineering skills and wise advices, the cheers, the goose bumps, and for the special creative atmosphere he keeps in his peaceful studio; Seva, for the incredible mastering sound, and Bob Wade, for having immediately gotten who I am, and pictured it; Betsy Wheeler for her sunny house, her smiles, her morning coffee, and her well tuned grand piano; the Langou family for the wonderful European meals we shared, and their great help in everything; my students and friends, Christian, Loretta, Lorenzo and Betta: without you my work would have had no sense; Ella, Billie and Sarah, for having haunted my teenager’s voice dreams; Miles, Trane and Bird for making me yearning for an instrumental sound; Juan Miró, Jacques Prévert and Pablo Picasso, for being around in my lyrics, Antibes (France) and “La Joie de Vivre” as well; my brother Luca for his great support and for organizing my trips all over the world; my father who made me sing and swing, and my mother who taught me how to write stories; my aunts Louise and Clara, who gave me the power to realize my dreams; Reine-Aimée Marcos, for her African, deep earthy wisdom; Alberto Tedeschi and prof. Emilio del Giudice, for their scientific research and discoveries; Sophie Commerman and Bruno Duquennoy, for taking good care of me; all those I’m thinking of, and not forgetting, just don’t have enough room here to tell you how grateful and happy I am to have had you with me in my life; the amazing Grace of the Lord, who called me to sing in His service so far away from my homeland.